3-Star hotel, located right at the heart of Hyderabad city.
Just 23 kms drive from the Hyderbad airport and 2 Km from the railway station, Hotel Pearl Regency is just the place to get the best of both worlds - 'Great Comfort' and 'Unmatched Hospitality'.
Contact: Hotel Pearl Regency
11-5-431, Red Hills
Hyderabad - 500 004.
Room Reserv: +91-99480 96633
Banquet Reserv: +91-99480 96632
Phone : +91-40-6666 6555/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9
Fax : +91-40-2337 6004
Email : mail@hotelpearlregency.com
Web : http://www.hotelpearlregency.com/