Oil Valley School is a CBSE Residential School in Assam.
The school welcomes pupil of all caste and community, all religions and all nationalities. The students of this school learn to respect and appreciate the value of all cultures, language, communities and religions other than their own and count themselves as a good secular citizen of India.
The school is affiliated to The Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi (C.B.S.E). English is the medium of instruction at school. Hindi is taught as vernacular onwards classes I and Assamese up to class VIII (onward class V) as 3rd language.
Oil Valley School
Bogapani Colony,
P.O Bogapani,
Digboi 786171,
Assam, India
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE : 03751- 291646 , +91-9854013520
E-MAIL: oilvalleyschool@rediffmail.com
Web : http://www.oilvalleyschool.org/