Epilepsy and seizure disorders, Stroke, Encephaltis, Meningits and other Neurological infections, Polymyostis, Muscular dystrophies and other disorders of muscles, Myaesthenia gravis, Parkinson disease and other Movement disorders, Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disorders, Gulillain Barre Syndrome and other Neuropahies, Migraine and other headaches, Dementia and Paediatric Neurology cases are attended at the Neurology Clinic, Patna.
Dr. (Lt. Col.) S. K. Jha is the main Doctor at the clinic. He has served the Army Medical Corps of Indian Army for 25 years and has won many acclodes.
Neurology Clinic, A-30
Sahdeo Mahto Marg
S. K.Puri
Bihar, INDIA
Phone : +91 612 2541677
Email : info@neurologypatna.com, sudhirkjha@hotmail.com
Web : http://www.neurologypatna.com/