Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Durg is recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), New Delhi.
The college is one of the well-known colleges in the State of Chhattisgarh providing all the necessary infrastructural facilities as specified by the CCIM and profound knowledge of ayurveda with modern advances.
Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital
College and Hospital Address:
Gunderdehi Road,
Village: Chandkhuri,
P.O.: Chandkhuri,
Dist.: Durg (C.G.)
Principal : +91-788-2625210
Fax: +91-788-2625211
Hospital: +91-788-2625213, +91-788-2625214
E-Mail : info@rlamcollege.org
Web : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rajiv-Lochan-Ayurvedic-Medical-College-and-Hospital-Durg-CG/162618100466165