Nsicindia.com is a B2B portal by National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC) which has list of products and services by category-wise, company-wise and leads.
It has products listed in many categories like agriculture, ayurveda, handicrafts, rubber goods, textile, power, leather, sports, automobile, chemicals, medical, printing, transportation, minerals, metals, food and beverages etc
Nsicindia.com has option to create a free account and login, request fr quotation, contact info, advanced search, national and international tenders etc
NSIC Bhawan,
Okhla Industrial Estate Ph. III,
New Delhi- 110 020, India
Tel: ++91-11-, 26926275, 26910910, 26926370
Fax: ++91-11-26932075, 26311109
Email: info@nsic.co.in
Web : http://www.nsicindia.com/