Big AIMS is a premier animation training institute of Reliance Animation and is part of Reliance Entertainment the largest entertainment group in India.
AIMS-3D Mega Plus (Advance Diploma in Animation Filmmaking ? 3D Process), AIMS-VFX Mega Plus, AIMS-3D+, AIMS-VFX, AIMS-D2D, AIMS-PEP, AIMS-Maya Master, AIMS-POP, AIMS - FLHR, AIMS-Smoke, AIMS-Flame, AIMS-Filmmaking Foundation, AIMS Asset Master, AIMS Anim Actor, AIMS Effects Master, and Bachelor of Arts (B.A) are the courses offered by the institute.
Reliance Animation
3rd Floor, Muttha Towers,
Don Bosco School Road,
Yerawada, Pune 411 006.
Maharashtra, India
Landline Ph: +91-20-30577600 , 30577601
The institute has centers in Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Indore, Jaipur, Mumbai, Pune, and Solapur.
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