Boards & Corporations
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List of Boards & Corporations of the Government of Delhi Websites. Delhi Jal Board, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Delhi Transco Ltd, Delhi Development Authority, Delhi Financial Corporation, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission are all listed.
- Delhi Jal Board : Delhi Jal Board is committed for the augmentation of water supply in Delhi and has ensured average availability of 50 gallons per capita per day of filtered water.
- Delhi Metro Rail Corporation : Delhi Metro Rail Corporation or DMRC official website -
- Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi : Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi website has Indian election info, constituencies and seat reservations, electoral roll, elector's photo identity cards or EPIC, citizen charter, maps, forms, contact info etc
- Delhi Development Authority : Delhi Development Authority and dda housing scheme draw results
- Delhi Legal Services Authority : Delhi Legal Services Authority has been constituted under the State Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987
- Delhi Transport Corporation : Delhi Transport Corporation website has info about interstate and intrastate bus services, DTC bus reservation info at DTC offices, Delhi-Lahore bus service, tenders etc
- Municipal Corporation of Delhi : The Municipal Corporation of Delhi is among the largest municipal bodies in the world and its site has online services, details about departments, zones/wards, downloads, photo gallery, MCD mail etc
- Delhi Financial Corporation : The objectives of DFC is to promote finance and develop industries/service in the small and medium scale sectors in the NCT, Delhi and UT Chandigarh.
- New Delhi Municipal Council : New Delhi Municipal Council or NDMC website has history, e-Governance Services, birth and death certificate, events, tenders, electricity and water bill details and tariff schedules, budget, property tax info etc
- Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission : Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission or DERC website has info about functions, profile of commissioners, key officers, organizational chart, contact info, vacancies etc