Goa Carbon Limited is a public limited company engaged in the business of manufacture and marketing of Calcined Petroleum Coke.
Goa Carbon has a well equipped laboratory and quality control systems and procedures.
Registered Office:
Dempo House, Campal, Panjim, Goa - 403 001
Tel. No. (91) (832) 2441300
Fax: (91) (832) 2225098, 22427192
e-mail: ceo@goacarbon.com
Goa Plant:
St. Jose De Areal, Salcete, Goa 403 709.
Tel. No. (91) (832) 2860336, 2860363, 2860367
Fax: (91) (832) 2860364
e-mail: gclajit@sancharnet.in
Web : http://goacarbon.com