Iron, Steel & Engineering Firms
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- JAMIPOL, Jamshedpur : JAMIPOL is a joint venture company, promoted by Tata Steel, SKW Stahl Metallurgies AG, Germany and Tai Industries, Bhutan.
- Tayo Rolls Limited, Jamshedpur : Tayo Rolls Limited is a TATA enterprise which manufacture Rolls, Engineering Forgings and Ingots.
- Quality Rubber Industries, Bokaro : Quality Rubber Industries is a leading company manufacturing various types of rubber products in Bokaro Industrial Area.
- Indicon Westfalia Ltd., Ranchi : Indicon Westfalia Ltd. is a part of the KCT Group and is a equipment manufacturer of multi-function containers.
- SINTER HIMGIRI | Nirmala Rotoplast Pvt. Ltd., Chutu : Nirmala Rotoplast is a leading manufacturer of Water storage containers and pipes.