National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL) is the state-of the-art organized and structured delivery based market place providing facilities for risk free and hassle free purchase and sell of various commodities across the country.
Products : Agricultural - cereals, fibers, spices, pulses, plantation etc, bullion - gold and silver, metals - steel and copper, investment products - e-Gold, e-Silver, e-Copper, e-Zinc, e-Lead etc
NSEL website has details about trading, services, warehouse, membership, news & events, e-Series, resource center, exchange circulars, exchange updates etc
National Spot Exchange Limited
102 A, Landmark,
Suren Road, Chakala,
Andheri - East,
Mumbai - 400093.
Tel.: +91-22-6761 9900
Fax: +91-22-6761 9931
E-mail :
Web :