DIPS School, Jalandhar is among the top residential schools in India and it has a chain of educational institutions - GB Schools, DIPS colleges, DIPS college of education, DIPS IMT and DIPS polytechnic.
DIPS Schools : Dhilwan ,Urban Estate-1 ,Begowal ,Nurmahal, Kapurthala ,Suranussi ,Karol Bagh ,Tanda ,Gilzian ,Mehta Chowk, Bhogpur and Jalalabaad
DIPS School
Sahibzada Ajit Singh
Aman House
191-Gujral Nagar, Jalandhar
Punjab, India
Ph: 91-181-2480125
Email : chairman@dipsedu.com
Web : http://www.dipsedu.com/