Local Websites
List of Local Websites of Towns, Cities and other places in Uttar Pradesh. Mathuraindia.com, Ads2Book.com, Kanpur City, Varanasi city.com, Lucknowcityindia.com, Chauri Chaura are all included.
- Ads2Book.com : Ads2Book.com helps users to book newspaper ads or print media advertisement online with few simple steps.
- Kanpur City : Kanpur City website has location and history about Kanpur, statistics, places of interest, excursion, accommodation
- Mathuraindia.com : Mathura India site has info about temples like Banke Bihari Mandir Mathura, Iskcon Vrindavan, Mathura Krishna Temple, Vrindavan Temple
- Lucknowcityindia.com : Lucknow City is the capital of Uttar Pradesh (UP) surrounded by District Barabanki on the east, by district Unnao on the west, by Raebareli on the south and by Sitapur and Hardoi districts on the north.
- Varanasi city.com : Varanasi City or Benaras is India's cultural capital, which has been the major pilgrimage destination for Hindus since ages.
- Chauri Chaura, UP : Chauri Chaura is a famous historical town in the Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh.
- Voice of the Jaunpur : Voice of the Jaunpur is a website dedicated to Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh.