Social Organizations
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List of Social Organizations, Charity Organizations, Associations of Goa. ekhabbar, Sangath, Goan Voice UK, Fomento resources, Consumer Affairs in Goa, Goa Sudharop, Mineral Foundation of Goa, Save Goa Campaign, Childrens Rights in Goa, The Goan Association are listed.
- Goan Voice UK : Goan Voice UK website has info about Goan organizations in the UK, forthcoming events, newsletter, classifieds, Goa related news and information, photo gallery etc
- ekhabbar : ekhabbar, the web edition of Khabbar is published on the web a quarter after the hard copy of Khabbar has been mailed to ALL dues paying families in North America.
- Sangath : Sangath is a non-governmental, non-profit organization committed to improving health across the life-span.
- Fomento resources : Fomento resources is an alliance of companies in the mineral resource industry committed to the social and economic advancement of its communities.
- The Goan Association, Calgary : The Goan Association, Calgary is a non profit organization dedicated to promoting, preserving and fostering a better understanding of the culture and traditions of Goans in Canada.
- Consumer Affairs in Goa : Consumer Affairs in Goa site has info about The Consumer Protection Act, Judgments, Rights and Duties of the Consumers, Consumer Functions held in Goa, reports, Grievances, Share your experience etc
- Goa Sudharop : Goa Sudharop was incorporated in 2000 in California. It is a tax exempt, charitable organization,with 501c3 status and is managed by its Board of Directors.
- Mineral Foundation of Goa : Mineral Foundation of Goa website has mission statement, history, press room, projects, annual reports, achievements, get involved, contact info etc
- Childrens Rights in Goa : Childrens Rights in Goa (CRG) is dedicated to improving the status of children in Goa.
- Save Goa Campaign : The Goa Bachao Abhiyan, as a voluntary association of individuals and groups, is committed to the planned development of Goa through participatory, inclusive and democratic processes.