Directory of Colleges in Mumbai and Thane area with website and contact details. Colleges include art and science, medical and engineering colleges, MBA institutes, dental and law colleges, polytechnics, universities etc.
- Arts & Science Colleges Listing of Arts & Science Colleges in Mumbai and Thane
- Engineering Colleges List of Engineering Colleges in Mumbai and Thane.
- Medical Colleges Directory of Medical Colleges in Mumbai and Thane
- Law Colleges Law Colleges in Mumbai & Thane | Jitendra Chauhan College, KC Law College, Government Law College
- Dental Colleges Dental Colleges in Mumbai & Thane| Tatyasaheb Kore Dental College, VSPM,SMBT Dental College
- MBA Institutes MBA Institutes & Colleges offering MBA in Mumbai & Thane| AIM, S.I.E.S, TISS, N. L. Dalmia
- Universities Universities in Mumbai & Thane| University of Mumbai, IGIDR
- Hospitality Education Hospitality Education Mumbai & Thane : Hotel Management & Catering,Tourism | Dadar Catering College
- Polytechnic Colleges Polytechnic Colleges in Mumbai and Thane| Government polytechnic Mumbai & Thane